Monday, January 4, 2010

Resolutions are not for Wimps

I’m not sure about New Year resolutions. It’s said statistically they don’t last much past January for the average person, which would include me. What is it about resolutions that I can’t stick with? As I ponder this it seems that the start of a new year would be an ideal time to commit to something new. It has the sense of new beginnings and I feel very motivated and energised to get started. I want to make the changes in my life. Shouldn’t it be relatively easy to keep the resolutions when I’m on fire, revved up and ready to go? Yet the only easy part seems to be making the resolutions. Why is it I fizzle out so quickly? I feel like a cheap Wal-Mart candle that burns ever so brightly for about two hours then begins to melt into itself, sputtering, spitting out... I soon become another statistic year after year. Why? Why? Why?

I am a wimp. When it comes to change that might be uncomfortable I quickly cave and go back to my old habits which obviously appear to hurt less than following that diet, going on a budget or any other resolution I’ve devised. I never last long enough to get past the difficult part and have a “Rambo” kind of victory where I can just hear the music as I run that last half mile to the top of the stairs and crowds are cheering in my head at my determined success! Yea! NOT! I quit long before I can even get muscle cramps or a stitch in my side.

So, now in 2010 I once again want to make changes in my life; some small, some that will be painful. Will I cave by January 31st or before? If I follow my usual route I’ll be lucky to last one month. I am tired of being a wimp. I really would like to achieve a victory. But am I determined enough? Am I willing to suffer a little? Time will tell. I want to come back in a year and say I succeeded. How good would that feel?

So, I bid 2009 good-bye with a thankful “PHEW” and challenge myself to make it one month with my resolutions. Surely I can do one month? If I can do one then maybe two and hopefully three then..... My first resolution is to not wimp out on my resolutions. Wish me well on this journey; I’ll keep you posted.


  1. Can't wait to hear how you do!!! Good luck!!!

  2. Wal-mart candles aren't that bad!! LOL

    Take it one day at a time, or one week at a time instead of looking so far ahead, I find that works for some things anyways. Good luck!


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