Monday, January 11, 2010

Let’s Laugh

What cracks you up? I mean the kind of laughter you feel from your nose to your toes? When did you last have a belly-hugging, tears flowing, can hardly breathe laugh? We don’t have enough of these moments in our lives. In fact, as we age, we laugh less and less. Children laugh about 400 times a day as compared to adults who laugh only 17 times a day and that’s on a good day.

So what happens to us? Why do we lose our humor or do we? Maybe we just get so caught up in being RESPONSIBLE adults that we forget how? Laughter is therapeutic with the only side effect perhaps a sore belly. It lowers blood pressure, increases our “happy” hormones, decreases stress and helps us sleep better. What’s not to like about laughter? Some of the best people to be around are those who see the humor in life.

So, I declare 2010 the year for bringing laughter back into fashion. I want to laugh like a child; free and unrestrained. Heh, none of us are going to get out alive so, why not laugh more? Okay, for all you sour pusses I promise to be serious where I need to be, but as for the rest of the time well....lets laugh!
To start us off on the right foot I’ve put together some jokes, quips and quotes. Feel free to laugh or at least crack a smile....

Why English is funny:
We must polish the Polish furniture.
He could lead if he would get the lead out.
The soldier decided to desert his dessert in the desert.
Since there is no time like the present, he thought it was time to present the present.

Things You Don't Want To Hear During a Surgery:
Accept this sacrifice, O Great Lord of Darkness
Well folks, this will be an experiment for all of us.
You sure it wasn't this leg?

Useless Inventions:(these are real)
A tape on how to put together a VCR
A book on how to read
Non stick Cello tape - it exists!!!!
A book on how to read
Solar Powered Flash Light
A black highlighter pen

There now I’ve brought some humour into the world. I just know my readers can do so much better. Why not put your favourite “funny” in comments so we all can get a good laugh. I love the following quote about laughter; I shall live by this....
“Even if there is nothing to laugh about, laugh on credit.” ~Author Unknown


  1. I have a story that made me laugh and laugh -regarding a misunderstanding with Kel - remind me and I'll tell you in person it just won't be the same in type!!!

  2. Well...this post was a grand start to "snort~dom" LOL :)

  3. Love that cat picture! I vote "yes" for humor in 2010.


I look forward to hearing from my readers so, please do comment.