Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Can we see Eye to Eye?

Today I digress from my list of topics on what hinders our search for Eden and indulge in one of my pet peeves. Actually, it’s more than a peeve; it’s yet another example of how our society has become so distant and world-weary.

I wonder why is it seems so impossible for so many health care providers to really “see” me? Why am I just another faceless, nameless entity that makes up their mind-numbing work day? Are they really that overworked and understaffed? I’ve been hearing for decades that their lack of personal connection is due to staff shortages, cutbacks and overwork. That justification just doesn’t cut it for me anymore. I do sympathize with being overworked. It is tiring, frustrating and debilitating. We’ve all felt it and I’m not asking nor expecting every nurse, doctor or therapist, to be sunshine, lollipops and rainbows. But....

Could somebody just LOOK at me once in awhile?? Is it too much to be seen? My God, are you so worn out, so jaded that you can’t be bothered to take at least a temporary interest? Fake it, if you must? I am a fellow voyager, too. You are not the only one who gets tired, frustrated and overworked.

I’m here because I need your help and concern. I’m here because you presented yourself as a health care provider. I’m here because I trust you and respect your expertise. I’ve waited for tests, appointments and examinations because I realize there are countless others like me and there is only one of you. It wasn’t me who bellowed at you three hours ago? I apologise for that person’s boorish and belligerent behaviour but, surely most are like me; waiting respectively.

I don’t have any ingenious ideas how to create a system that doesn’t run you ragged. I’m saddened that there aren’t enough people like you who have the constitution to take care of us whiny, sick & hurting folks. I’m here because you have the skills. I’m sure at one time you probably really cared about all of us or you wouldn’t have chosen this profession. I don’t know what triggered your apathy and lack of consideration? Maybe too many people didn’t “see” you either, but to be fair most of us come to you because we’re a little “under the weather”.

One thing I know for sure; it wasn’t I who bankrupted you emotionally. I didn’t single-handedly create your indifference. But I did turn up hoping you might care enough to really “see” me; not just a condition. Ultimately, I came for your expertise and you did your job; you helped me. I appreciate that and I’m thankful. My question is; would you recognize me if I came back one hour later? Somehow I doubt in your busyness and aloofness you would remember me.

In all fairness I guess I can’t expect you to remember everyone but, next time I come to you, please take one second to really look at me. Just for that moment make me feel like a person not just another condition.


  1. I agree with you us healthcare workers need to spend more time with patients and health care needs more humanity and less people just trying to get their job done. Good post

  2. Well said and sadly too true!!!

  3. Great read about an important issue. Great blog too. I'd love it if you visit my blog too, and would be flattered to have you as a follower. Happy Holidays, Keri (aka Sam) www.samwich365.com


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