Sunday, September 19, 2010

What is your Goliath?

What is your Goliath? The "thing" in your life that scares the pants off of you? Is it changing career paths, leaving a dead and painful relationship,changing some personal habit or accepting help and reaching out to others? I guarantee it's something because we all have that area in our lives that we know needs to change, but seems way too big to challenge. What did David of the bible do when he confronted his Goliath?

Have you ever read the story of David and Goliath? Most of us heard it as wee children in Sunday School, but have you studied it has an adult? Probably not. Let's have a look see... Check out 1 Samuel 17.

The Israelites were afraid. They were about to battle with the armies of the Philistines, who suddenly challenged one of them to a duel to the death with their champion soldier, Goliath. Now Goliath was no ordinary soldier. He was every man's nightmare and upon the challenge caused great fear and trembling among the army of the Israelites. Not one man wanted to accept this challenge as they feared dying at the hands of Goliath. Who among any of us haven't faced challenges in our own lives that we feared were impossible to win?

Along came David, a mere boy who tended sheep. He immediately asked who this person was to dare challenge the armies of the living God? He then recounted all his past victories to the King and accepted the challenge to kill Goliath. Many of the soldiers ridiculed him, laughing at the thought of a lowly sheep-herder destroying their enemy. David turned away from them, accepted the King's armour except the sword, then carefully chose certain stones to use with his sling-shot. From there he quickly went to the battlefield and proceeded to kill the greatly feared Philistine, Goliath.

Read this story in it's fullness, keeping in mind how David reacted to his enemy, compared to the others. You'll note how David immediately confronted his enemy that it should dare to destroy his life, ignored any ridicule from others, accepted only wise advice, then prepared for battle using what he personally knew were his own strengths.

This is how we need to challenge our Goliath, whatever it may be. We need to face our fear and dare to challenge it. There will be critics that will go against us and perhaps, even try to sabotage our plans. We need to ignore them and not fall into doubt. It is wise to accept good advice, but we must prepare for battle by using our own methods. David wasn't even a soldier yet, he slew Goliath. He accepted the challenge, prepared for battle and did it afraid. We, too can beat our Goliath's.

Can you accept the challenge of slaying your Goliath? Read further and see that David received a great reward for winning this battle. We, too shall receive a great reward in our lives by beating our Goliath. Whether it's about a relationship, a personal habit or some other demon that prevents you from living the life you deserve,we need to follow David's example and fight for our life.

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