Saturday, July 30, 2011

Better than a Rest

If you've read my blog before you will notice that I have changed the overall look of it. Why? Well, I'd like to say I did it for ingeniously, inspired reasons, but in truth I was just bored with the old look and wanted something new.

I have had and probably always will have; a short attention span. Today,I believe, it's called Attention Deficit Disorder or ADD. I guess my way could be SAS or perhaps, ASS for Attention Sadly Sucks! Whatever... I wanted something fresh and new!

Part of the reason I wanted a new look is that I am going to attempt to take my blogging pastime to a new level. I would like to build up a regular audience and offer what I hope will be more attention-grabbing and appealing text.

This, of course, will demand a real commitment from me and with having SAS or ASS could be a real challenge! But, I am going to give it a honest-to-goodness, grassroots try. I know the secret to any success lies in the willingness to stay with it and give it your best. goes nothing. I will give it my best and hope for the best.

So, if you happen to stumble upon this blog and it piques your curiosity please feel free to come back and see where this takes us. I believe that deep down at the very core of each of us is a wondering about the fundamental meaning of life. I don't promise any answers, but perhaps, I might be able to spark some discussion which, may lead myself or you to some alternative notions. Or maybe we'll just confuse ourselves more...who knows?

Here's hoping to hear from you soon!

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