Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Write for Your Life

I’ve kept a journal for many years. It’s been a great place to express my innermost thoughts and feelings that I don’t necessarily want to share with others. I talk to God in prayer trying to understand myself and the world around me. I have used it as a tool to banish all my inner demons and to heal my brokenness.

I began this endeavour in 1987 after reading that keeping a journal was very therapeutic. At that time in my life I was tormented by countless personal issues that were ruining my life so, I thought why not? I started with nothing more than a scribbler,my imperfect faith and my desire to be happy but, armed with what I had, I began to write trying to make sense of my life, praying I’d find that road to peace and joy. The more I wrote, the more I wanted to write.

I couldn’t believe the junk that came pouring out of me. It spilled out from places we keep hidden from everyone, sometimes even ourselves. I’d finally found a safe outlet to less loose. I could be angry, sad, frustrated and totally vulnerable. The journey was between me and my God. It’s been tumultuous, poignant and admittedly at times, an agonizingly difficult ride, but what a trip it’s been!

To my amazement as the years evolved I began to feel happier and more at peace. Much of my pain and brokenness were being healed. I was easier to be around and felt so much more open to loving and being loved. Life was so much better. Gradually through my journaling I began to understand and forgive those who had wounded me. I discovered that much of the harm hadn’t been intentional. For the most part I had just fallen victim to others pain; wounded people wound others. There was revelation after revelation throughout the years and I discovered that writing in my journal was not only therapeutic, but was a gateway to peace. Something about purging my soul on paper opened me to God’s healing touch. I was becoming the person I wanted to be and not furthering the damage. The buck was ending with me. I was beginning to feel restored and whole.

I still journal and although I wouldn’t say I’m completely fixed, I find my writing now is more about growth, possibility and seeking a higher road. I want to give back and share. It’s become a lifelong habit that I’m so grateful having discovered. If anyone feels like they have so much pain, anger and frustration bottled up that their souls might burst; I highly recommend journaling. Try it and see if helps vent some of those destructive emotions that are choking all the joy out of your life.

It doesn’t have to be fancy or even time-consuming. I do it most every morning over coffee, but the time is irrelevant. It’s private and needn’t be shared with anyone. In fact, most of my journals I’ve destroyed as I finished them. It isn’t about leaving a legacy or bearing one’s soul to the world. It’s about healing, growing, forgiving. It’s about peace and joy. Make a commitment to journal for one full year. It doesn’t need to be daily but, it must be regularly scheduled into your life.

I double-dog dare anyone to give it a fair trial and I promise if done with brutal honesty, regularity and thoughtful prayer, a day will arrive when you discover that you’ve exhausted most every negative emotion you possess and you’re able to forgive. Many of your demons will have vanished and joy has replaced brokenness. Write for those who’ve hurt you, for those you’ve hurt and to find the peace that surpasses all understanding. Write for your life.


  1. This is on my list of things to start.... figured I'd wait until the things I've already started are habit.... I love your take on it! Thanks!

  2. I do like keeping a journal. I don't do it everyday, but I like to try!! I actually find blogging sort of similar.


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